It’s Easy Being Green with eBooks!
Publishing a book is an author’s dream come true. Whether your work is published as a traditional paper book or as an electronic version, otherwise known as an eBook, becoming a published author is a proud moment.
Many people love the feel of a book where they can physically turn the pages; however, in today’s fast-paced world, many people like to access information right from the palms of their hands – be it on a smartphone, a tablet or a dedicated eBook reading device like a Kindle.
Since today is Earth Day, a worldwide annual event that demonstrates support for environmental protection, we wanted to take the opportunity to spotlight a different route of getting your book in the hands of eager readers. In addition to a printed book, eBooks allow an author to promote and sell their book in an environmentally friendly way.
EBooks open up a world of promotional opportunities to a newly published author. In previous blogs, we talked about different ways to promote your published book, and promoting your eBook is essentially no different. However, the audience might be. Printed books appeal to readers of all ages and technical backgrounds. EBook readers are going to be at least moderately technologically savvy; after all, they own the necessary reading device and are comfortable downloading your book to read on it. So don’t forget to take advantage of digital communication when promoting your eBook. Just think: digital communication in, digital eBook download out.
Other key points to remember when promoting your eBook is to leverage an event or holiday that is associated with your book’s topic. For example, we correlated today’s blog post with the Earth Day celebration. This allowed us to draw a clear association between both topics for our online readers. Blogs are a useful outlet that allows you to quickly craft posts that spotlight these events, as well as promote your eBook or other pertinent information.
Additionally, your social media sites are a great resource to use in order to reach out to audiences far and wide. For instance, on Twitter, consider using a hashtag (#) to identify a specific topic. This resource has taken seemingly ordinary topics and created a buzz around them which is perfect for promoting your book.
In short, we believe that eBooks are a viable companion to traditional printed books. That’s why, at Dorrance Publishing, we offer our clients the opportunity to publish their work by way of a digital book as well as in traditional print form. For more information about our eBook options, contact a Publishing Services Consultant.
Copyright Dorrance Publishing 2014